The User Maldito's Web


Project Page

Weird Tech fancy Words

I need to know what is...

HTML (index.html): The skeleton of ≈ 90% of every site. Is all about tags and attributes.

Usage + Examples
<a title="User's Website" href="" alt="User's Website">Visit User's Website!</a>
<br> <span>It's so cool and retro and hacker and handsome...  I love it</span>

Where "<", a keyword and ">" represent the beginning of the tag and "<", "/", a keyword and ">" the end of it. Example:

<div id="container"> (level 0)
    <a>This is an anchor tag. I will let you visit another link. Just click me</a> (level 1)
    <p>I am a paragraph tag. You can write on me  <strong> Bold the text with me!</strong> (level 2)</p> (level 1)
    <p hidden>I am the same paragraph tag, but I have an special attribute to hide myself</p>(level 1)
</div>(level 0)

The attributes give them "special effects". Some of them are unique for every tag.

> Theoretical example: the "hidden" attribute of the "p" tag has a hidden effect. The attribute "title" in almost every tag has the effect of, on hover, display the text given (like I have in all my website LoL)

> Practical Example:

<span title="Yey! You hover me!">Hover me to get more info</span>
> Output: Hover me to get more info

CSS (style.css): CSS is used to set the squeleton a bit of style. Putting it a suit and tie to the HTML.


> There are 2 method to add the style:

  1. Inside HTML: using the tag <style></style> and write it inside.


                color: white;
                background-color: black;
  2. Outside HTML: using the tag <link></link> with the attributes ⇒ rel="stylesheet" & href="project/css/style.css" inside the head tag


            <link rel="stylesheet" href="folder/css/style.css">

    And the style.css looks like:

        color: white;
        background-color: black;
        cursor: crosshair;
        text-align: center;
User's Recommendation

>Separate the style for a better understanding and scalability (even with small projects) & Nesting CSS:

        color: white;
        background-color: black;
        color: red;
            background-color: lightblue;
                margin: 0 10px;
                    text-decoraton: none;

HTML tags + CSS Selectors* + { + css attributes + }

Main CSS Selectors* ⇒ Examples:

  • [" "] ⟹ (body p) = Search any P tag inside the tag BODY - any level -

  • [">"] ⟹ (div>p) = Search the direct P tag inside the tag DIV - only the first level -

  • ["+"] ⟹ (li+a) = Search the A tag being the upper tag LI - only this (consecutive) combination -

  • ["[attribute]"] ⟹ (span[title]) = Search the SPAN tag with the "attribute" TITLE - all span with title will be selected -

  • ["*"] ⟹ (div *) = Search ALL TAGS in the DIV tag - all tags in the first level, combination of " " and ">" -


JS (script.js): Is a Programming Language (HTML and CSS is NOT) and is used as well as Client as Server.

  • Manage and Validate info before sending it to the server (as a protection method)
  • Handle Events ("This website says: ", "If you click here, something happens", ...)
  • Present more Info and Data (HTML and CSS throgh JS, modify the behavior of the page, play sounds and videos, )
  • Search info (fetch function [XHR is outdated])
  • And all of it asynchronous

It has 3 type of variables: let, var and const.

Basic example:

const firstNumber = 5; //Can't change
let secondNumber = 3;
secondNumber = 5; //Changed the data stored
var result = firstNumber + secondNumber;
//Expected output: 13


Function: piece of encapsulated code

Defined with function, FunctionName, "()" followed by "{}". The "return" keyword (inside, in the end of {}) gives you back the value (made to be stored in a variable)

Advanced Example:

function FastCalc(firstNumber, secondNumber){
    //This variable does not exist outside the brackets
    let resultCalc = firstNumber + secondNumber;
    return resultCalc;

var result = FastCalc(2, 7);

Or like a variable:

const fastCalc = (firstNumber, secondNumber) => {
    return firstNumber + secondNumber;

var result = fastCalc(2, 7);


Conditionals: "If something happens, I will do this". There is 2 type of conditional if else and switch

let number = 28;
let isNumber = true;

//Only enter if the statement is true
if (isNumber) { 
    alert("Is a number!");
    alert("Is not a number :c");

//The question mark "!" announce that is the oposite
if (!isNumber) {    //If is NOT a number... 
    //Only go here if the statement is NOT true or if it's false, it's the same
    alert("Is a number!");

// && = and -> || = or
//If is a number and is 18 or higher...
if ((isNumber) && (number >= 18)) { 
    alert("The number inserted is correct. You can go inside...")
if ((isNumber) || (number != 0)){
    alert("You can see this text if "isNumber" is true OR the variable number is NOT 0);
//Switch case with numbers
let number = 2; //Number goes 1 to 3
switch (number) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
        console.log("The default "gateway" happens when none of the other cases is true");

//Switch case with boolean values (true or false)
let number = 2; //Number goes 1 to 3
switch (true) {
    case (number < 0):
    case (number == 0):
    case (number > 0):
        console.log("Innecesary default case because you have cover the 3 scenarios:
        when the number is LESS THAN 0, when IS 0 and when is MORE THAN 0");


There are 3 types of logic loops: while, do while and for

function DoWhileLoop(){
    let index = 1;
        //The first iteration is free
        //Repeat the code while the index is less than 3
        index++;//IMPORTANT to iterate correctly
        //when the index is more than 4, the loop will break
    } while (index < 4);

function WhileLoop(){
    let startIndex = 0;
    let endIndex = 5;
    const number = 3;
    var isMyNumber = false;

    while (startIndex <= endIndex){
        //if 0 is less or equal than 5? yes -> execute the code inside
        if (startIndex >= number){
            //when the index is EQUAL or MORE than 13, isNumber will be true
            isMyNumber = true;
        startIndex++;//IMPORTANT to iterate correctly

    console.log("My number was found?: " + isMyNumber);

//for loop
function CountingLoop(){
    console.log("Counting 0 to 10");
    for (let index = 0; index < 11; index++){//Auto-Increment (index++)

What will be the output?

(PC Only) Copy the function code > press f12 > Go to Console
> Paste the code > Call the function --> CountingLoop()

Try differents number and see the output!

User's Tips and Tricks
Significant Variable Names (please!!!)
//Do you understand this code?
let a = 100;
let b = 14;
let c = a-b;

//And this code?
let maxHealth = 100;
let damage = 14;
let currentHealth = maxHealth - damage;

//The main difference is the variable names!

for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
        //Code Here
    //Code Here

for (let firstIndex = 0; firstIndex < 4; firstIndex++) {
    for (let secondIndex = 0; secondIndex < 4; secondIndex++) {
        //Code Here
    //Code Here

//The variable names can tell you with 2-3 words
//the CONTEXT of the code with no knowledge

Implement it to the Page

Like the CSS method, JS have 2 methods:

Inside the HTML
    <p onclick="ClickEvent()">
        Click Me!

    function ClickEvent(){
        alert("I was clicked!");

Outside the HTML
    <p onclick="ClickEvent()">
        Click Me!

    <script src="/folder/js/script.js">

function ClickEvent(){
    alert("I was clicked!");

I will always recommend using CSS and JS using the "outside method" (linking the document in the HTML and modifying the content outside). Why? My reason is: Scalability and Modularization, Performance and Clean Workplace

Transform the for into while -> and the while into the do while
//Transform the For loop To a While Loop
1. For Loop
    for (let index = 0; index < 11; index++){

2. let index = 0; this go up like this:
    let index = 0;
    for (index < 11; index++){

3. The Auto-Increment Goes Inside (IMPORTANT: always in the bottom part)
    let index = 0;
    for (index < 11){

4. Change the keyword for to while (and Voilà!)
    let index = 0;
    while (index < 11){

//Transform the While Loop into the Do-While loop
1. While Loop
    let index = 0;
    while (index < 11){

2. Copy the While part and put it on the bottom like this:
    let index = 0;
    }while (index < 11);//REMEMBER TO PUT ";" AT THE VERY END

3. Put the keyword Do:
    let index = 0;
    }while (index < 11);


Is a CSS Framework that works around classes.

Example on Flex Behavior Here!

Is a JS Grid Layout used to make responsive and dynamic website (My gallery have Masonry :D) (When you change the zoom and the photos reorder automatically? That's the magic of Masonry)

More Example of Masonry here!
Front-End / Back-End / API Explained :D

Imagine the Web as a Restaurant: The Front-End will be the Showcase. The Back-End is the Kitchen. The API is the Waiter/Waitress and the Database could be seen as the Pantry.

Silly Projects

Proyecto Maldito

Thanks to a combination of a Mexican Youtuber, an "Old Flash Game" (this video) and, I decided to, quote make a Neocities Page as cool as her site . Named this thing "Proyecto Sadgrl" and renamed to "Proyecto Maldito". See other people's pages inspired my to keep (and copy) some ideas (and pre).