About Him

- Original Name: User Maldito
- Current Name: Working User #TipMe
- Birthday: Dec, 14
- Location: Canary Islands, Spain
- He is: Silly, Funny (or try his best), Friendly, Extrovert, Distracted (maybe he has ADHD, he's poor but knows he'll need psychological attention), Creative, Curious, ...
- He likes: Music, Burguers, Girls, (Send & See) Memes, Coding, Write (he's not too good, need practise), Learn, the pink color (the strongest color), Rhythm Games (more mobile now: Phigros, Arcaea, Cytus, ...), Takes Photos (new), Insult You (in a good way, jokingly), dance (he really likes to dance), have meaningful and deep conversation (philosophy, he loves Sofía).
User's Bio
As you may or may not know, he is just a Spanish guy who likes computers. At his 7, he manage to gain control over her mom's laptop to play Purple Place and other games from Wildtangent Games. But, one day, he found a bad surprise: her mother change the password. And, somehow, he "hacked" the laptop and gaining, once more, access to her mom's computer just to play another day. Obviously, Montse arrest him with the full power of "La Chancla" and "El Látigo". Later that day, she changed again the password and, finally, pointed him to a computer class.
User is studying really hard Web Development and his main assignment (DEW = front-end / DSW = back-end / DPL = deployment / DOR = style front-end ) is killing him, although, he's in love with it. DEW with JavaScript and React/Angular, DSW with Java, C# and Laravel, DPL with FTP, Docker and K-8, and DOR with W3C, accesibility and AAA Level pages.
He wanna do many things in many areas (host a page in his own server, deploy an random API, manage data from PHP, make a dynamic page in Angular, ... ) that he feels so overwhelmed and don't know where to start. I said to him: "First of all, finish your Neocities webpage. Then, start again your homework: doing deployment in Nginx/Apache, creating a Docker Image, FTP access in remote, etc. an explaining how, what and why works.". It's nice to have a tutorial, for the lost souls how dare to enter into this.
I think you know this but, yes, I am him.
When he's not okay (feeling like sh*t or alone), he often writes about something undertermine to help him canalize that feeling into that. Maybe that's the main reason why he repeat himself and/or his texts could be a little confusing.