The User Maldito's Website

Welcome Message

Oh, hello there! You have reach successfully the User's home page. Take a seat and enjoy his awesome "old school" website.

Description Message

Here you can read some of his stories, learn something about programming and know him better.

Changelog Box [MM/DD/YYYY]

Take a look what changed while you aren't here.

  1. New Page: Diary of User He wanna upload here his own things like making new friends, personal updates, ...
  2. New link/domain name. Ngl, is his first time doing it and maybe he do something wrong, but at least the old link ( is redirecting correctly to his new link (
  3. New Messages in the front page. Don't believe him? Refresh the page (F5).
  4. New Page: Playlist_Wall.m3u
  5. New Page: My Camera Roll
  6. New Page: Random "Elaborate" Thoughts

  1. Projects (complete the JS part of Neocities)
  2. Hacker CSS (add the Wii Cursors)
  3. He's too lazy to correct the links in other pages. Sorry in advance.

To Do
  1. Add MORE (un)interesting things
  2. (Still) Translate some parts into Spanish/English (boring task)

  1. Important Fix (4 him at least): Mobile Version
  2. Adding the scripts/explanations (in the home page) to the Mobile Users <3

To Do
  1. User's Gallery (let him cook a little bit more)
  2. Translate it into my mothertongue (Spanish) [or the user can use Chrome and its translator]

  1. New Index (as you can see)
  2. New Style (as you can see)
  3. New Buttons (if some sites have no buttons available, I'll put this " " as a Placeholder, but the link is still working)
  4. New form of taking MY button more easy ⇔ Just click and it'll be saved in the Clipboard. copy.js (Javascript file)

  1. Moved the old website into a new Offline location
  2. Rework of some pages

To Do
  1. User's Gallery (let him cook)
  2. Do (again) the Mobile-Friendly Version
  3. Recode / Rewrite / Rethink / Re-teach all the existent code [don't make me do that]
  4. Rethink and Re-do the status changes
  5. Translate it into my mothertongue (Spanish)

Thoughts Collection

  • He wants to everyone can understand his website.
  • He's happy cuz finally he is a Neocities Supporter. Thanks Neocities :3
  • Study + Work = Tired (but with money €:)
  • Idea: Random Blogs (un apartado to speak of something random: philosophy, talking about love/death/robots/anime, ...)
  • Add more content to feel I make valuable things